Yesterday Deddy and me, we came back from our adventurous trip from SanFran and LA!
Deddy cleaned up the vintage guitar market of the WestCoast! Yes, he now ownes them all,
the most wonderful items, please check!
And me? I had the honour to be welcomed by Howie, who introduced me into his world of studio
work the Mastering, his grill place behind his studio hacienda, as well the best Mexican Bar in
Beverly Hills. And I was lucky having him introduced into some typical German dark herb liquor,
no, not the one with the dear on the cover, no, Keiler’s is the real thing!!!
Howie is a real friend and we are so happy we could win him to do the mastering of our new album!
…and as Howie promissed: ‘You will love it!’ …yes, WE LOVE IT and yes, YOU WILL LOVE IT!
Check Howie at