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Beiträge mit Schlagwort ‘PRS’

The VINTAGE  DREAM, the biggest and most frequented store in Europe with the largest amount, most variety and highest collector’s value of vintage guitars on offer ever seen…. For every purse you will find not even a collector’s item, but also the REAL THING to play inclusive the Holy Grail The Burst! For more details […]

My first near contact with an Mesa Boogie Rectifier was mind blowing! There was a german band from Koblenz, which was playing here in Frankfurt at Elfer. The kind of music these dudes – the band called Six Reasons To Kill – were playing was not realy my thing, but the the guitar sound was […]

October 30th studio work at Art of June Studios Frankfurt/Main. The recorded tracks are the base for our upcoming album. Thank you Heinz for your great support. Photography by Sebastian Wolf 2010

April 10th demo recording at TwentoneStudio Offenbach/Main. Full analogue recording. Photography by Sebastian Wolf 2010

aka: Satanas M. Alaka locomotive dreamer 12Jun2088 DeFlorina Greece stunt guitar & vocals Gibson, PRS & Ibanez QUOTE: ‘Malaka, I’ve seen it, the drummer played wrong….!’