CD release –

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Beiträge mit Schlagwort ‘CD release’

It was a tremendous and awsome CD release party. theBODIes are back on stage…they are in shape, great voices and set-list like a sword. Check out these pictures:

…what a night in the ZOOM Frankfurt! Never been so cool like that night… super audience, super club, super organisation, super stage, super sound, super songs, super loud, super hard, super fast, super show, super fun, super partners -cheers Speedcake-, super dry -no rain, Lorraine-, super girls, super boys, super benzin, super mood, super moretocome… […]

As already announced, are in the studio being super busy finalising last vocals and overdubs! Plans have changed significantly as the most likely release is scheduled for mid November 2012 (!) on ‘Art Of June Recordings’  ……against all usual behaviour to delay! Engenieer and producer is of course again Heinz Hess, our meanwhile […]

Finally the album „we DON’T care’ is officially registered under the label ‚Art Of June Recordings’. The distributions channels via download or physical delivery of the facelift version will be announced shortly.

Today was the first opportunity to introduce to you our new soon to be released album LIVE! We had big fun at the MuseumsUferFest 2011 Frankfurt at the ‘Frankfurter Rundschau’ stage premiering our album ‘we DON’T care’ LIVE. We even played a new cover in the what we think is the correct speed and power […]

The first print of our NEW ALBUM ‘we DON’T care’ has been delivered! Funtastic Artwork…. check Master RJ Smear, the alphaWOLF! The content: POWER & EXCELLENCE, of which you always were waiting for! Produced by Heinz Hess Mastered by Howie Weinberg Official release will be Fri 07Oct11 Release Party soon to be announced…..

The album final mixes are completed…killersoound, Heinz has given everything! …every single song a pearl! Nothing more to say… full stop! The album will undergo the last treatment… the mastering! …and RJ busy in creativity of the artwork! The final result of full pachage will be the rocket! Don’t ask, you will hear and see…!

first hearing of all the first mixes…. Heinz delivered the last 6 songs and you will understand, why we took some extra time to complete it…. because the album should not only kick ass, no it should be mind blowing, beating your guts…. you should fall in addiction to love it to the bitter end […]

Now we hold the first mixes of the first seven songs in our hands. Well, it’s going to be a mind blowing Rock music masterpiece. Thanks to the Art of June mastermind Heinz Hess for his patience with us… This album can compete against publications like ZZ Top, Henry Rollins, Killing Joke, U.K. Subs, Godsmack […]

On 18Dec10 we recorded the final backing vocals for an epos we started to elaborate at Heinz Hess’ Art Of June Studios on 29Oct10. For us it was impossible to imagine how things developed over that period, how the songs gained on beauty, power and exellence with us fully caught in unbelievable creativity with highest commitment to […]

Derek Hammer is celebrating his 50th birthday at “Das Leben ist schön”/Frankfurt M. Yes, it’s a day to remember friends and companions for a long lasting half century. This for it’s going to be a closed venue. Maybe pictures and details will be added as an review to a great evening with Derek and friends.