ATTENTION ‘New Album’ ….confirmed and very busy! –

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ATTENTION ‘New Album’ ….confirmed and very busy!

As already announced, are in the studio being super busy finalising last vocals and overdubs!

Plans have changed significantly as the most likely release is scheduled for mid November 2012 (!)
on ‘Art Of June Recordings’  ……against all usual behaviour to delay!

Engenieer and producer is of course again Heinz Hess, our meanwhile member. His studio ‘Art Of
June Studios’ is our second home for our second album incl the second song! ….and surely surprises are included
as usual!

With the working title ‘OF WHAT’ the album will contain twelve tracks and one hidden (…the real corporate idendity!),
hotter, faster, slower, louder, calmer as ever before with zynism and sarkasm, love and hate, darkness and sunshine,
blood and wine, tears and beer dictating the major themes…

Our first album ‘we DON’t care’ having crossed all borders, the new album will enter a new dimension!
Colt has even written a blues, a bloody blues, and you will not believe Ringo, sorry, Harry celebrates
his vocals to one track. Charles teaches Axl, Slash ‘n’ Roses how to perform the real ballad and Derek?
He bites with blistering acrimony like glowing razor blades!

…don’t miss it as you will never missed it ANYMORE!

Be connected….

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