L.A. – theBODi.es

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Beiträge mit Schlagwort ‘L.A.’

Hammer will be back again in L.A. – sourcing better weather! The usual time for him of  recreation and new inspirations. On tour with the vintage guitar guru and friend…check out!  Pictures of the awsome roadtrip will be online after his return.

Unbelievable… you nearly could touch the band as the venue in Offenbach was not sold out… what a bad promotion campaign here in GER, unbelievable! Only insider got to know that your heroes are in town…. BUT for the fans it was an extraordinary event experiencing your buddies in a nearly intimate atmosphere… it must […]

Yesterday Deddy and me, we came back from our adventurous trip from SanFran and LA! Deddy cleaned up the vintage guitar market of the WestCoast! Yes, he now ownes them all, the most wonderful items, please check www.guitarpoint.de! And me? I had the honour to be welcomed by Howie, who introduced me into his world […]

…delay… after some problems to find the perfect mastering sound, we decided to contact mastering support in L.A. and we are very happy, we immediately received a warm welcomed feedback! You will learn more about it… later!