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EMPTY! …it is not only you odd politicians being even less than empty or you ignorant dummies or you faithful BODI.believers having spent all your energy to make us happy…. no, it is also us…. we are EMPTY. / decided to send themselves into hiatus. Sabbatical…? No, not really as whatever event might arise that makes […]

*LIVE GO fAT stINGRays  LIVE* ‘FRANKFURTER ALTERNATIVE SCHULE’ celebrates its KLASSENTREFFEN 2014 on Saturday, 01NOV2014 (doors 19:30h) with PLEASE, FUNERAL FIRE and at ELFER Music Club, Klappergasse 5-7, Frankfurt am Main, ….more details to come!

LIVE in the Madison “Spritzehouse” Garden! Friday 24Jan2014 at Spritzehaus, Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen featuring ELECTRICK SOUP (aka AutoPlay) ! honour and present fantastic moments of rock history like “Blitzkrieg Bop”, “Basket Case” or “Don’t Cry” with best memories to the fAT stINGRays times and the strong support from our friends of ELECTRICK SOUP (aka AutoPlay). DON’T […]

There we go. Now it is online. The official video of “stupid C” by theBODIES Many thanks to HellerTV for their creative artwork and D32 for digital editing.

Interview with Derek Hammer and Christian Kanppe (RadioX & TALKvision TV)

BIG THANK YOU…. for all of you, who made it to that evening in the ZOOM! Yes, fans you first…. Yes, you as well… Cumalot, Diamond and Shaft without  you no, no show…. Yes, RJ Smear and this time in particular an extra ordinary ‘thank you’ goes to you! Being the fifth band member […]

…what a night in the ZOOM Frankfurt! Never been so cool like that night… super audience, super club, super organisation, super stage, super sound, super songs, super loud, super hard, super fast, super show, super fun, super partners -cheers Speedcake-, super dry -no rain, Lorraine-, super girls, super boys, super benzin, super mood, super moretocome… […]

there we go. This is the first music video release – “we don’t care”  

ALBUM RELEASE PARTY On 24May13 At ZOOM, Frankfurt Proudly we would like to announce, that will present the new album ‘ANYMORE’ LIVE on Friday 24May13 at the ZOOM in Frankfurt/Main. …surely it is the day of official album release! We are honored to win Frankfurt’s famous Rock-Band ‘SPEEDCAKE’ as double feature partner. This particular […]

New Album ‘ANYMORE’ To Be Released On 24May13 The new album ‘ANYMORE’ is finished, finally …and ready for release! After a long time of very fruitful work we are happy to let the World know, that our album ‘ANYMORE’ will see the light on 24May13. It contains 13 tracks (one hidden) being loud, wild, raw, […]

Joe Bonamassa in Stuttgart…. Derek has had the honour to follow Mr Detlef ‘Guitar Point’ Alder to Stuttgart to meet his vintage guitar buddies, Joe and his guitar tech Mike, backstage, on stage and in front of the stage. Wittnessing Joe, Mike and Detlef exchanging all their experiences and philisophies about historic guitars even playing […]

….yes, done!!! Last night we finalized the mixes for the new album ‘anyMOre’ ….incredible songs, strong sound, nice surprises…. a treasure, a must have! Within the next 3 weeks mastering and artwork will be processed to have it as the masterpiece of 2013 and following years! …will keep you on track!

Time flies and again today we sit together for the annual celebration of a very productive year at Shaft’s mansion. Yes, you are right, you didn’t see us live that often this year. But the result of our studio work, our new album, will surface the world very early 2013…. You will wonder as ‘ANYMORE’ […]

As already announced, are in the studio being super busy finalising last vocals and overdubs! Plans have changed significantly as the most likely release is scheduled for mid November 2012 (!) on ‘Art Of June Recordings’  ……against all usual behaviour to delay! Engenieer and producer is of course again Heinz Hess, our meanwhile […]

The VINTAGE  DREAM, the biggest and most frequented store in Europe with the largest amount, most variety and highest collector’s value of vintage guitars on offer ever seen…. For every purse you will find not even a collector’s item, but also the REAL THING to play inclusive the Holy Grail The Burst! For more details […]

Finally the album „we DON’T care’ is officially registered under the label ‚Art Of June Recordings’. The distributions channels via download or physical delivery of the facelift version will be announced shortly.

We are back! Well, still not on stage – but back in the studio. After an exhausting 2011 some of us rearranged their professions and graduated. We took a time off stage, beacause of the incredible momentum of creativity. Here you’ll get the first visual impressions of the latest studio session.

Outstanding rehearsals….. are flying with inspiration the highest for a long time! Some ultra cool new songs in preparation… And we are close to the OFFICIAL RELEASE of ‘WE DONT CARE’! LIVE performances are in preparation… we need to have our kid, the guitar wizzard, passing his last exams… and then we are ready […]

Unbelievable… you nearly could touch the band as the venue in Offenbach was not sold out… what a bad promotion campaign here in GER, unbelievable! Only insider got to know that your heroes are in town…. BUT for the fans it was an extraordinary event experiencing your buddies in a nearly intimate atmosphere… it must […]

Happy Birthday Henry! Outstanding performance in Mannheim! Everybody who missed you, still lives in the pink world of illusion, blindly slingering into the chaos of doom, waking up, maybe luckily enough, to realize one is already dead! Clear words, clear statements, always constructive critical, straight foreward with best sense of humour…. nearly forgotten, that your […]

It never occured, that Hammer attended 4 concerts in row with the main act being a singing woman! But it was an exicting experience as Ladies like Anna Vissi (05Nov11), again Sade (16Nov11), Ami Lee from and with Evanescence (17Nov11) and Sharon from and with Within Temptation (25Nov11) performed brilliantly with exceptional bands and incredible […]

Today was the first opportunity to introduce to you our new soon to be released album LIVE! We had big fun at the MuseumsUferFest 2011 Frankfurt at the ‘Frankfurter Rundschau’ stage premiering our album ‘we DON’T care’ LIVE. We even played a new cover in the what we think is the correct speed and power […]

The first print of our NEW ALBUM ‘we DON’T care’ has been delivered! Funtastic Artwork…. check Master RJ Smear, the alphaWOLF! The content: POWER & EXCELLENCE, of which you always were waiting for! Produced by Heinz Hess Mastered by Howie Weinberg Official release will be Fri 07Oct11 Release Party soon to be announced…..