Gibson –

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Beiträge mit Schlagwort ‘Gibson’

As already announced, are in the studio being super busy finalising last vocals and overdubs! Plans have changed significantly as the most likely release is scheduled for mid November 2012 (!) on ‘Art Of June Recordings’  ……against all usual behaviour to delay! Engenieer and producer is of course again Heinz Hess, our meanwhile […]

The VINTAGE  DREAM, the biggest and most frequented store in Europe with the largest amount, most variety and highest collector’s value of vintage guitars on offer ever seen…. For every purse you will find not even a collector’s item, but also the REAL THING to play inclusive the Holy Grail The Burst! For more details […]

Outstanding rehearsals….. are flying with inspiration the highest for a long time! Some ultra cool new songs in preparation… And we are close to the OFFICIAL RELEASE of ‘WE DONT CARE’! LIVE performances are in preparation… we need to have our kid, the guitar wizzard, passing his last exams… and then we are ready […] LIVE, they will present their new album ‘we DON’T care’ at the MusemsUferFest, Frankfurt, on Fri 26august2011 (start 16:00h…)

The album final mixes are completed…killersoound, Heinz has given everything! …every single song a pearl! Nothing more to say… full stop! The album will undergo the last treatment… the mastering! …and RJ busy in creativity of the artwork! The final result of full pachage will be the rocket! Don’t ask, you will hear and see…!

Now we hold the first mixes of the first seven songs in our hands. Well, it’s going to be a mind blowing Rock music masterpiece. Thanks to the Art of June mastermind Heinz Hess for his patience with us… This album can compete against publications like ZZ Top, Henry Rollins, Killing Joke, U.K. Subs, Godsmack […]

My first near contact with an Mesa Boogie Rectifier was mind blowing! There was a german band from Koblenz, which was playing here in Frankfurt at Elfer. The kind of music these dudes – the band called Six Reasons To Kill – were playing was not realy my thing, but the the guitar sound was […]

On 18Dec10 we recorded the final backing vocals for an epos we started to elaborate at Heinz Hess’ Art Of June Studios on 29Oct10. For us it was impossible to imagine how things developed over that period, how the songs gained on beauty, power and exellence with us fully caught in unbelievable creativity with highest commitment to […]

October 30th studio work at Art of June Studios Frankfurt/Main. The recorded tracks are the base for our upcoming album. Thank you Heinz for your great support. Photography by Sebastian Wolf 2010

April 10th demo recording at TwentoneStudio Offenbach/Main. Full analogue recording. Photography by Sebastian Wolf 2010

“……the spirit of the “fAT stINGRays” presents the new born culture shock “” the experience beyond sex! In the year 2003 a significant event caused a heavy cultural impact in Germany especially in Frankfurt Rhein-Main at the moment, when the fAT stINGRays decided to shake the music world once more with thunderous Punk music based […]

aka: El Wizz Tuchelix Investment Punker 10April1870 Hillvalleyhill Emmental/Switzerland vocals & bass Fender & Gibson QUOTE: ‘Jetzt gibt’s ‘was auf die Fresse !!!’ or ‘Crucial, my dreadful torture will be cheap!’

aka: Satanas M. Alaka locomotive dreamer 12Jun2088 DeFlorina Greece stunt guitar & vocals Gibson, PRS & Ibanez QUOTE: ‘Malaka, I’ve seen it, the drummer played wrong….!’

aka: Cher Cumalot Heartbreaker and GateCrasher 03Nov1976 the only German being born somewhere in Germany only. blues guitar & vocals Gibson & Fender QUOTE: ‘What does ‘aprilloth’ mean, Gumiris?’